Organizr aims to be your one stop shop for your Servers Frontend. Do you have quite a bit of services running on your computer or server? Do you have a lot of bookmarks or have to memorize a bunch of ip’s and ports? Well, Organizr is here to help with that. Organizr allows you to setup “Tabs” that will be loaded all in one webpage. You can then work on your server with ease. You can even open up two tabs side by side. Want to give users access to some Tabs? No problem, just enable user support and have them make an account. Want guests to be able to visit too? Enable Guest support for those tabs.

Please check our application chart to see which GigaDrive Plans are eligible to install this application.
- Secured: Organizr secures your tabs and also works with Webserver Authentication (Nginx, Caddy & Traefik)
- Customized: Change the entire look of your installation with ease - Custom CSS also supported
- Responsive Design: Works on Desktop and Mobile.
- Easy install: Setup and installations typically are very fast.
- Responsive: Perfect for any device with pixel-perfect design.
- Timesaver: It takes few minutes to setup Organizr. But spend more time to make it unique.
- Powerful: Not just some lightweight landing page. This application is richwith features.
- Sign-in options: Add in services like Plex and Emby to allow your users to login. Works with FTP and LDAP servers too.
- Homepage: Use Organizr to build a homepage for your users that integrates Plex, Emby, Sonarr, Radarr, SickRage and others.
- Forgot Password support
- Additional language support
- Custom tabs for your services
- Customise the top bar by adding your own site logo or site name
- Enable or disable iFrame for your tabs
- Fail2ban support (see wiki)
- Fullscreen Support
- Gravatar Support
- Keyboard shortcut support (Check help tab in settings)
- Login with Plex/Emby/LDAP or sFTP credentials
- Mobile support
- Multiple login support
- Nginx Auth_Request support (see wiki)
- Organizr login log viewer
- Personalise any theme: Customise the look and feel of Organizr with access to the colour palette
- Pin/Unpin sidebar
- Protect new user account creation with registration password
- Quick access tabs (access your tabs quickly e.g.
- Set default page on launch
- Theme-able
- Unlimited User Groups
- Upload new icons with ease
- User management support: Create, delete and promote users from the user management console
- Many more…
- Navigate to the Application Manager page and search for
- Click icon to open the installation window and tap Install to start the installation process.
- Once the installation is complete, click icon to open the Access Info page. Then click Go To Application to access